I am super excited to be collaborating with Chris V. for this article. Chris is a designer, illustrator and maker based over in the US. She creates a digital artwork, and also shares her other artwork in digital formats. She blogs over at Octopus Connection, and she teaches art courses on Skillshare.
In this article, I will be asking Chris questions about what her digital possessions mean to her. In the sister-article, over on Chris's blog, I answer her digital archiving questions. So you should definitely pop over to check it out, once you've read this article.
Q: What is your favourite piece of digital art that you have created?
A: My favourite digital art piece is the Prada Spring/Summer 2017 shoe ad that I painted using the Procreate app. I really stretched to do this one, using a different style than normal. I was pretty happy with the result.

Q: Why do you enjoy creating digital artwork, as opposed to physical artwork?
A: I love to do both, but the digital work allows me to keep creating even when I'm out and about. Something I really appreciate since I didn't do any art for quite a while. I had the "I'm too busy" syndrome because of my day job. Then, when I got my first iPad, I discovered I could paint and sketch in between meetings, on lunch breaks, on airline flights, etc. It gives me tremendous freedom and the files are very easy to email and re-format for other projects.
Q: Do you think your digital art will outlive you? And does that matter to you?
A: I want to bring more beauty to a troubled world. I hope that my art will inspire as many people as it touches. When it's digital and evergreen, it has the opportunity to reach more and more people.
What do you think?
If you are a digital creative, do Chris's words resonate with you? What are your most treasured digital possessions?
I am particularly interested that Chris used the word “evergreen” to describe her work that stays relevant to people across time. It has given me an idea for a future article. With software and hardware are progressing so rapidly, how do you make sure your evergreen content actually stays accessible to people across time? Keep an eye out for that article – or if you would like to be notified when it is published, why not subscribe to my email list?
I have loved collaborating with Chris to create this post. I was lucky enough to meet her through a course I took over on Skillshare.
Chris shares her artwork on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest. So be sure to follow her, if that's your thing. She also has an Art Jewelry shop on her website, and will soon be selling her art through Society 6. If you are into learning new skills, she also teaches art and jewelry classes, and has 2 digital art classes on Skillshare.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog! I hope you have enjoyed hearing a different voice today! If you did, head on over to read the sister-article to this post on Chris's blog.
I publish a new article every Tuesday, helping you care for your digital treasures. If this sounds good to you, I'd love for you to sign up to my monthly email. I'll send you all my new content, and the odd freebee. And you'll also receive my FREE How to Start Your Digital Archive Workbook as soon as you subscribe.
See you next week. And (did I mention) don't forget to read Chris's sister-article.