I wish I had more time to read!
I expect lots of you can relate to this.
And yes, we all know that it's not so much having time, as making time to read. But then there's that moment when you do have a few minutes to kill - at a bus stop or something - and then you're overwhelmed. Where to start?!
So here are some archive-related blogs that I've been enjoying.
You're welcome!
A blog by April Hathcock about the intersection of libraries, law, feminism, and diversity.
Twitter: @AprilHathcock
Start Here: You're Gonna Screw Up
Emily Lonie writes to celebrate the work that archivists do!
Twitter: @emilylonie1
Start Here: Passionate People: Lives Dedicated to Archives
A peer-reviewed journal by a team of librarians, who believe that libraries make the world better.
Twitter: @libraryleadpipe
Start Here: Charlie Remy on Neurodiversity in the Library
For anyone considering qualifying as an archivist or records manager. My friend Sophie Denman has been writing this blog while studying the MA in Archives and Records Management at University College London. It includes some pretty candid reflections about the course, and useful reviews of the modules.
Twitter: @archivesoph
I love archives because they are human stories. This is an online collection of stories told by Syrians.
Twitter: @Qisetna
Start Here: Seeking the Jasmine Breeze
Your turn!
I've given you my recommendations; now I want yours! (Sorry, what did you expect? There's no such thing as a free lunch!) Tweet me @ArchiveRobin with your suggestions for things to read. I'd love to keep adding to this list.
And don't be shy - if you think your own stuff is great, then I want to read it!
Thanks for being here!
PS - If you're interested in caring for your own personal digital archive, this is the place for you! Why not sign up to get a monthly email with all my articles or chat with me on Twitter?